Frequently Asked Questions
(podemos hablar en español)

  • We live in a world where people are so judgy when it comes to appearance.

    For this reason I did not post my picture on my website for years.


    I decided to post my picture on my website because a person came in, saw me.. and canceled their appointment on the spot.. It really hurt my feelings.😭Yes I charged them.. But my feelings were still hurt. I actually had a bit of anxiety because of it 😥

    So I decided it’s best to post my picture to avoid being rejected in my face like that again.

    But I’m hoping that my skin color, or big cheesy smile, or my thug-like appearance (just kidding), Exotic makeup etc. does not deter you from coming in.

    I LOVE ALL PEOPLE (especially babies).. I’m a Christian, I don’t judge anyone.

    ✨This is a safe space ✨

    EVERYBODY IS WELCOME HERE : Except mean people, aka, Karens 🤣

    So PLEASE COME IN. I don’t bite.. even though I might look like I do. I’m a teddy bear at heart.

    :BIG HUGS:

    Love, Deena

  • YES! But I don’t carry any change.

  • We believe it shouldn’t cost any more than $50. That is our price!
    Why are my brazilian waxes so affordable?

    I thought about the college students on a budget, retired clients who are also on a budget, and single parents who are on a budget. I care about your pockets.😉

  • I use very expensive Hypoallergenic Hard wax!

    I do not use soft wax nor sugar wax.

    What’s Hypoallergenic? and What’s hard wax?

    Hypoallergenic: is for sensitive skin ( I treat EVERYONE’S skin as if it’s extremely sensitive.

    Hard Wax: Means I don’t need to put cloth or paper over the wax to pull it off (like they do in nail salons). I actually pull off the wax itself (when it dries).

    Hard Wax is more comfortable and more expensive. I pay top notch for YOU .. YES.. YOU!!!! 😁😘

    I want to ensure you have the most comfortable wax experience possible.

  • It’s a Man Brazilian. All hair in the pubic region is completely removed. YES all of it! (Unless you’d like to leave some hair). This service includes the (pardon me for saying this word) “crack”.
    If you prefer not to wax the “crack” (pardon me please), you can opt for a Male Bikini Full.

    Please go to Menu tab on this website, Scroll down to Male Services and read it before booking your appointment.😊
    You’re professionalism is strictly required for this service.


  • Natural Reactions are TOTALLY OKAY! It happens, and it’s totally understandable.
    As long as your respectful about it, and not make any inappropriate jokes. I love to laugh, but I don’t like those kinds of jokes. If your natural reaction lasts the whole service, that’s a RED FLAG! Try a different waxer next time.

  • EXFOLIATE EXFOLIATE EXFOLIATE. The trick is to stop the hair from getting stuck under the skin. I recommend Exfoliating WITH A BODY BRUSH (scrub hard in every direction for 10 seconds everyday), Also use Ingrown Hair serum twice a day!
    I recommend PFB Chromabright, sold on Amazon which helps get rid of bumps. AND MOISTURIZE with Aveeno or CeraVe (any oil/lotion that WONT clog your pores)

    (These 3 things make a BIG difference)

  • Removing hair from the hair follicle is uncomfortable for the most part. It feels somewhat similar to a sting, for about 3 seconds. Everyone’s tolerance is different. Here’s some suggestions.

    1. Take pain medication, something mild like Ibuprofen, Advil, or something like that.

    2. You can add on Numbing Cream ($10 extra) to your service.. it will have to sit on you skin for a few minutes.

    These suggestions are made to take the “sting” out of waxing.. but really, you’ll be fine.. I wax guys and they all do GREAT, and they’re more sensitive than we are ( for the most part ). Just take deep breaths! It takes me about 10 minutes to wax a Brazilian. The website says 40 because I factor in cleaning, checking out, and it gives time for you to add on another service.

  • The length of a grain of rice.

    Or the length of icecream sprinkles.

    PLEASE DO NOT TRIM YOU HAIR. Come very hairy, bushy, wild, and crazy!

    When clients trim their hair, it’s usually uneven. Some hair is too short for the wax to grab it, and some hair is the perfect length. Resulting in a patchy wax job. We don’t want that.

    Also, don’t try to fix it up for me because you think it looks crazy. It’s my job, to make it look nice for you.. So just leave it. DON’T SHAVE IT! DONT TRIM IT!.. IT’S OKAY! I PROMISE, just come on in. There’s NO JUDGEMENT here. We’re all the same.🥰

  • It’s actually cool that your skin itches, It means hair is trying to grow through the pores, but it gets stuck under a thin layer of skin. This means your not exfoliating or moisturizing enough.
    When you scratch, it actually exfoliates and releases hair. Also, hair get’s stuck under dry skin, and it gets stuck under heavy creams that clog your pores. I recommend exfoliating HARD with a body brush in different directions for about 10 seconds everyday! Brush up, down, left to right, right to left, X’s, and circular motions. When you get out the shower BE SURE TO USE INGROWN HAIR SERUM, and MOISTURIZER. I recommend CeraVe (the Rough&Bumpy line) or Amlactin it won’t clog your pores.

  • Please pardon me for using the word “crack” .. I’ve tried to use other words like “inner butt” but people thought I meant inside their bum.. or even the “inner buttcheeks” but that wasn’t driving home..

    So I just use the unfortunate word “crack”. 🙄 I sincerely apologize..

    I like to be respectful.

    Anyway, YES it does, and so does the Manzilian Wax. 😉 If you don’t want the “crack” (pardon me please), you should opt for Bikini Full (for women)

    or Male Bikini Full
    Please go to Menu tab on this website, Scroll down to Male Services and read it before booking your appointment.😊You’re professionalism is strictly required for this service.

  • They actually had the audacity to moan! Can you believe that? I’ve never had any women do that. Ever!

  • The general answer for Brazilian wax is, 4 weeks.

    Hair grows on different growth cycles. This means some hair grows faster than other hair. So I suggest waiting at least 4 weeks to get a fresh clean wax.

  • Generally every 4 weeks

    For Underarms.. it’s about 2 and a half weeks.

  • Back Facials

    Butt Facials (women only): Men were too inappropriate for this service.

    Chest Facials (Men only) Since men can’t get the Butt Facial, I wanted to be fair and provide a service that women can’t get. I’m not rubbing boobs! (Not to be disrespectful) 😁


    Full Body Waxing for Men and Women (18+)



  • I don’t wax minors for a few reasons.
    The first is because I just prefer not to.
    But also my treatment room is really small, and a parent would have to be in the room.
    It’s uncomfortable having someone watch me wax.. and three is a crowd.

    There are some cases where three people are necessary. I do make exceptions for special needs. EVERYONE 18+ IS WELCOME HERE!

  • Nope. Sorry. I prefer only one person at a time. My treatment room is small and It’s uncomfortable having someone watch me. Also, no video recording please. I’m happy to take before and after pictures/video for you, (with your phone) so you can view later. I also give a $5. discount if you let me take a before and after photo. All photos are modest, and are for social media show-casing only.

    Thank you to ALL the clients that allow me to take pics/video’s it really helps me a lot. People are visual and need to “see” what I do. That’s why I have a picture section on my website.

    Please feel free to check out my Instagram Page: eleganciafacialsandwaxing to view some of my work.

    Keep in mind some prices may have changed for some services.. due to inflation.

  • PLEASE ask you doctor if you can wax, if you regularly take medicines. it can certainly affect your skin. The most common medicine is Retinol, Retin-A, Tretinol, Tretinoin, (they can make your skin lift - it turns dark and looks like a burn). Also, blood thinners are not ideal for waxing. If you come to get waxed and your on these medications or any others, your waxing at your own risk. There is no way I can tell how your skin will react. We’re both hoping for the best results. So PLEASE ASK YOUR DOCTOR. I can not be responsible for how one’s skin reacts, even though I use hypoallergenic wax.

  • YES! Here are some ways to get a discount.

    1. If you refer a friend. You will receive $5. off your bill (please remind me)

    2. If you allow me to take before and after photos or videos. You will receive $5. off your service, that same day. (All pictures/videos are modest) and for Social Media showcasing only.

    3. If I’m 11+ min. late for your service. You get $10. OFF your bill. This replaces other discounts.

  • That’s because your not doing at home care.
    Waxing is a team effort.. It’s my job to remove the hair for you and educate you on how to keep your skin nice and smooth. Not doing at home care is the BIGGEST reason for ingrown hairs. But it’s very easy to take care of
    1. Exfoliate
    2. Use Ingrown Hair Serum
    3. Moisturize. (It only takes a moment).
    The thing is, people don’t do it. But it’s really important to keep up with these things, until your skin gets used to waxing, then you can skip some days.
    If you have severe ingrowns you need to

    1. Exfoliate TWICE a day!

    2. Use Ingrown Hair Serum TWICE a day! Morning and Night! It’s makes a big difference trust me. and

    3. Moisturize. ( I recommend CeraVe (Rough&Bumpy line) or Amlactin. They are non-greasy and exfoliate while moisturizing. Amlactin might sting if you apply it right after waxing.. You’ll want to wait 48 hours.

    I recommend PFB Chromabright. This not only gets rid of ingrown hair but it also helps brighten your skin too.

    If your having issues with ingrown hair, please come in to get a Vajacial (see details on booking site)

    Also, wear loose clothing. Tight clothes prevent hair from growing out of the pores properly. It will grow back into the skin.. and we definitely don’t want that.

    I recommend Exfoliating with a Body Brush.. for about 10 seconds.. Brush in all different directions. Up, down, circular, sideways, X’s, etc. Why? Because hair grows in different directions down there.

    Consistency is KEY!!!!

  • Feel free to shoot me a text message (301) 541-7113 and I will be happy to answer your questions as soon as possible.

    I may not respond right away if I’m with clients but I will respond..

    Thanks for your patience.